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That spark should never die...
It's important in today's lives that we hold onto and more often than not demonstrate that tinch of craze and spontaneity in us... Being slaves to our daily routine mundane lives and an ever present air of negativity leads to a slow decay of the soul....
Hold on to what makes you happy... Make time for things you love.. Sometimes be spontaneous.. Brush the dust off your soul... Don't just live... Be alive...
Winter 2016
Model: Supreet Kaur
What a fresh perspective! In today's time, while living in a metropolitan.. You have educated male colleagues whose best argument in dismissing your case weighs in on the ground "you girls have such nakhras" "so difficult to handle you women" they're bloody damn right! we're not their cup of tea.. It takes a strong man to appreciate and credulate women who are head strong and opinionated... And can accept women in a position of power.. Strong traits are often cloaked and rephrased as their evil twins (a negative synonyms) We have still not reached the state of equals.. Yes there are times I sympathize with all the bash men have to face in the name of empowerment of women.. It is only unfortunate that all this propaganda for gender equality has had negative impact... Dear ladies.. Be You.. Be true.. Don't apologize for being good at your jobs! Sometimes the best man for a job is a woman!

I went for a lunch with this friend of mine... Although she is my mother's friend but I like to call her my friend too.. Poor mother is always insecure from both ends... The daughter and the friend while we enjoy our candidly secret relationship.. I think she singularly thinks the highest of me. She calls me HJ (that's short for #hiddenjewel) We have nothing in common except for our mutual adoration for the other and perhaps the love for books... She is a mother of two (who I believe are much more cool and smarter than me. They're the quintessential#mostlikelyto kids *touchwood *), I am unmarried and absolutely unacquainted to the phrase#responsibility. I am usually getting into bed after a late night with friends or a serial marathon on the laptop when it's already time for her to wake up for yoga and daily chores.. While I live with my phone under my grip 24x7 and am constantly online, she doesn care to even possess a smart phone (I like such out of the ordinary ppl)... So as is customary.. Before, during, after the lunch I was clicking away pictures from this angle and that filter she goes on to tell me this #bizzarefact that India tops the statistics of the number of deaths due to clicking selfies.. While I was clicking this particular one I exclaim and laugh at this extraordinary piece of information. I continue the conversation on this line and agreeingly say these are days when ppl are not as concerned about living their lives as they are about chronicling it... I am unashamedly one of the selfie takers, check-iners, pouting, updating, commenting, liking regulars who many find certain pride and satisfaction in condescending ridiculing.. While I am all for individuality, and being different, or crazy, or weird, I also unapologetically support doing what you want to without worrying about what who says .. I think that's as confident as you can be an individual, be it out of the box personality or one blamed for lack of originality #foodforthought #burp#beyourself that the most original you can be