Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What a fresh perspective! In today's time, while living in a metropolitan.. You have educated male colleagues whose best argument in dismissing your case weighs in on the ground "you girls have such nakhras" "so difficult to handle you women" they're bloody damn right! we're not their cup of tea.. It takes a strong man to appreciate and credulate women who are head strong and opinionated... And can accept women in a position of power.. Strong traits are often cloaked and rephrased as their evil twins (a negative synonyms) We have still not reached the state of equals.. Yes there are times I sympathize with all the bash men have to face in the name of empowerment of women.. It is only unfortunate that all this propaganda for gender equality has had negative impact... Dear ladies.. Be You.. Be true.. Don't apologize for being good at your jobs! Sometimes the best man for a job is a woman!