Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An excuse for Procrastination

From my life if there is anything meaningful that I have learnt, its that although this is a happy thought to pacify and console your heart with, however its nothing but a farce we ourselves have created to keep us cushioned from the pricks and pinches that life sometimes is about. You might, like a nice person, keep waiting, while someone smart enough comes along... grabs that thing and walks off while u keep on "waiting"... So when many a great things pass us by and we don't have them we go into a sense of denial and start believing that this wasn't worth it, what's meant to happen is still to come along... We make these stupid concoctions (like this very picture) to make us feel better.... In reality we couldn't be fooling our selves any greater than this... We keep ourselves covered with this bubble wrap, while reality from outside will only mock and show disgust at our cowardice from not having the balls to face it... but we happily turn a blind eye and keep on hoping... believing in these rainbows n unicorns worth of notions...THIS is our excuse to procrastinate...

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