Monday, November 25, 2013

Permanent Loss

Death teaches us LIFE lessons like none other. Loosing a person has the effects that are larger than life itself. No matter how much we try to console ourselves and loved ones that whatever happened, was best for the passer by, this is only how life is... Death being an equal part of it. But thts not the thought with which we live our lives. We love touch and connect with people. Share our lives with them. Joys and sorrows... They become a part of us. We become a part of them. When they move on, there's that part of us that goes away too with them. And that ache of detachment is felt bit to bit. There is no thought possibly that can make us feel better. We suddenly understand life with a more serious and grave sense.
A loss you cannot recover from. Cos u clearly never intended to loose that person. But it happens... In front of us... Slowly.. Gradually... And then that final moment... When u know its lost... Even years later if we remember them, the days we shared with them, the days we shared this loss with others... It bothers... It aches... Just as much... But the coats of years don't unleash it... But inside u know u feel it just as much... This is how they live within us even later...

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