These are also days tht will never return…
Just chilling… sittin here at vc… reading my book and if it gets boring… I have a friend here to gimme company… bunkin college for days at a stretch… not caring whatever is happennin there… how my friends are… having time at my disposal jus the way I wanna spend it… no commitments to take care of… no deadlines to meet… no busy schedules… idle as always seeing so many crazy ppl sittin arnd me… smoking… chatting… laughin away to glory… studying… grooving to the beats of the songs, just like me…
Life is a treat this way…
I enjoy every second tht I spend here n those tht I had… and always will… I can still go back to those evergreen days tht I n mayank spent here building up a beautifull friendship….
And I know…. Some few years from mow….
When I’ll no longer have any free time…
When getting time to just rest only will also be an ordeal…
When I’ll have a good job… commitments to take care of… deadlines to meet….
I still will be the same me… but times will change n wid it will change my priorities...
And then…. I’ll remember today as a sweet memory…. And miss today….