Friday, January 15, 2010


Saumya is dreaming with her eyes open... there are promises and hopes of ecstatic tomorrows... of futures of togetherness till death does us part... there are souls dipped in love and happy about it surrounding her who have made her wanna believe in it... there is a want to feel all the blood rush to the heart, making it wanna explode right outta the chest... the cheeks flush, and almost incapable of uttering sensible words, and that weird weak feeling in the knees and there... just then... u collapse and fall in love... There is this belief that love comes to all and it's only a matter of time when she will say, I never thought i would feel this way for someone someday... It's real... It's to arrive... There is this belief.... That is why Saumya is dreaming with her eyes open...

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