Friday, January 15, 2010


Days can be so typical, it's worth being amazed if you don't really have anything better to do, like right now I... From waking up everyday in the same position as last morning, to preferably pulling an all nighter if you have an early rise mapped... We talk to the same set of people everyday or as regularly as possible instead of making efforts to keep in touch with the rest of the phone book. We wish to have the same dream every night, about that special someone, but as typical as it can be, our shut eyes never see them... Once on the road, you just know which gas station you stop at to get the tank filled... and the correct anticipation of stoppage at that particular ATM machine. Life has it's subtle ways of comforting our sub-conscience as we keep intact the familiarities as unpretentiously as possible... Who doesn't flinch at change....? Change is gradual... but then.. that too is just typical....

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